Steering Wheel Shakes When Braking You might even have some family I personally didn't have any of those resources available I was only like at the time I'm at yeah to at the time so there's not really any take any like you know automotive schools I could get into or anything like that that's what I just want the part out route and honestly.
I could say that I'm I learned a lot more than just learned by going to school for it because there's a lot of places that really don't give you as much hands-on experience as that s is required when you're working on cars so just find out what works best for you if you have like parents or if you have like uh any other family that's into cars that knows how to work on them that's going to be really really your best bet because they can teach you as much as you need to know.
Steering Wheel Shakes When Braking |
You can always go back to them whenever you need help so that goes on to our next topic if you
are trying to open your own shop and you are just you know beginning you really haven't worked
for anybody yet uh you know we really don't have that much experience you're going to want to have
someone that's really experienced to look after you so like pretend if you were doing a customer's car
and you just got stuck somewhere you're going to want to have someone that knows their stuff that
you can call or they can come over and help you out that way you're not really messing anything up
so for me I was lucky enough to find a guy named Brad Hiro's he lived in Charlotte at the time- now.
I went to him for some speakers and stuff for my car when they had blown #google out and I met him through Craigslist and he was parting out cars it's had to be yes oh my god kid ah so I found him through Craigslist and he was pretty much doing what I started out doing which was parting out cars and he was doing all this out of his house and he actually knew a lot about beamers so.
Whenever I did get stuck I did have that helpline pretty much all that wasn't very often but if I didn't need it I knew I could I could just call him up and he would be able to help me out even it off the phone so you're going to want to have someone that you can call up or you know email or whatever it might be to get help if you are stuck it's really hard to like you know if you open up your shot the first the first month.
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